Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

Symptoms Of Candida Die Off - Dealing With Yeast Die-Off Reactions

What Are The Symptoms Of Candida Die-Off?

Although there are many different symptoms and chances are, you will experience only some of them, they are easy to identify. The most common symptoms are:

  • Brain Fog
  • Nausea, gas, bloating or diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Itching body,
  • Headache
  • Joint and muscle soreness
  • blurred vision (also called eye floaters)

There are many other, smaller symptoms that you might also experience. Generally, the symptoms of Candida die-off are very similar to the symptoms of a flu. Low grade fever, sweating, chills and exhaustion are only examples of what might occur.

What Causes Symptoms Of Candida Die-Off?

When yeast cells are dying, they produce toxins which are dispersed through our body. Symptoms of Candida die-off usually occur, when yeast cells dye in such a large number, that the body can no longer handle the amount of released toxins.

Your body is constantly trying to detoxify you - and the large amount of endotoxin results in an immune reaction. Your system's eliminatory pathways are overburdened or maybe even blocked.

In this state of detoxifying, you might experience the symptoms to get stronger and you might even experience a whole new set of additional symptoms.

So, Are Symptoms Of Candida Die-Off A Good Sign?

Many people - especially those that suffer from a yeast infection (often called Candidiasis) and try to get rid of it - believe that symptoms of Candida die-off are a sign that the treatment is working.

Unfortunately they are wrong. While dying yeast cells might be an indicator for the success of the treatment, that doesn't necessarily mean the infection is about to vanish!

Symptoms of yeast die-off means only one thing: You body can't handle the amount of dying cells, no matter how many cells are actually dying right now. If you experience these symptoms, chances are that your treatment is too strong, too fast for you and in the worst case the treatment itself is wrong!

Don't ignore signs of Candida die-off. If you are making an anti candida diet, make sure you are not taking it too far. If you are taking anti-fungal drugs, think about a break.

The Real Solution To Symptoms Of Candida Die-Off

The only real solution is to choose the right Candida treatment in the first place! I highly recommend you to check out my website and discover everything you HAVE to know about Candidiasis.

Click here to find out how to recover from a yeast infection.

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