If you suffer from Candidiasis a good news for you: It’s possible to fight the symptoms of Candida by simply changing your meal plan! But before I tell you exactly which type of food you absolutely have to avoid when suffering from Candidiasis symptoms, let me tell you what Candida is and how it works.
But why is it so important to know what Candida is all about? Because like every other organism, Candida has a weakness that we can exploit and I´m about to show you how you can easily attack this weakness.
Candida is a genus of yeasts that lives in many organisms, including humans. The most common genus is called C. albicans. Normally that’s no problem, but in some situations the yeast overgrows. That’s exactly what Candidiasis is: a fungal infection in your body caused by yeast cells.
And now we come to the really important stuff: Like every other organism, yeast cells need a source of energy to live. Now guess what the one kind of food that the yeast cells need to survive is? It’s sugar! Fructose, glucose, lactose and all the different types of sugar is what you have to avoid if you want to fight Candida.
Here’s where the Anti-Candida Diet comes into play!
The Types Of Food You Absolutely Have To Avoid To Fight The Symptoms Of Candida
Any type of food that contains yeast will make the Candidiasis symptoms worse. Of course it seems like a logical step to avoid more yeast cells if there’s already an overgrowth. But nevertheless many people just continue to consume bread, rolls, crackers and other baked goods: Food that can be full of yeast cells!
Butter, milk, cheese and yogurt will also make the symptoms of Candida worse. These dairy products come with their own kind of sugar called lactose. If you are eating a lot of these products, you should decrease your consume.
Alcohol is a source of energy for the yeast cells. Many of them are able to metabolize alcohols – an easy way to fight the symptoms of Candida is to pass on your daily beer if you are used to drink a beer or two.
Although they are normally very healthy and a recommended part of our alimentation, fruits contain fructose which is a type of sugar. In case that your Candidiasis is very strong, you should consider avoiding fruits for a while, too.
If you follow this plan to avoid the yeast’s source of energy and avoid all the other products that also contain sugar, you will literally kill of those Candida cells. But let me give you one important warning: Because the Anti-Candida-Diet will kill off many yeast cells very fast, you have to look out for die-off symptoms. Those symptoms occur when you are going overboard and have to slow down with the treatment.
Find out every useful fact about the Anti-Candida-Diet and the symptoms of Candida die-off on my website!
Don't put your health at risk: Visit my website about the symptoms and causes of Candidiasis.
Montag, 26. Oktober 2009
Freitag, 23. Oktober 2009
Are You Putting Your Health At Stake? The Difference Between Candidiasis Symptoms And Symptoms Of Candida Die-Off
Symptoms Of Candida Vs. Die-Off Symptoms
You are suffering from Candidiasis and you are seeking a treatment to get rid of it? Then you will probably experience symptoms of Candida die-off. Some people will tell you that this is just a sign that the treatment is working. Some people think these symptoms are just more Candidiasis symptoms. Unfortunately that's only half the truth...
You are putting your health at risk if you ignore the symptoms of Candida die-off!
Let me tell you why...
Candidiasis is a yeast infection. A fungal infection of any of the Candida species. The yeast cells start to overgrow mainly in your your throat, your digestive system and your genital area. That's what causes the Candidiasis symptoms.
The most common symptoms of Candida are: Pain when urinating and menstrual pain, a whitish vaginal discharge, hurting joints, itching and burning of the genital area, foul genital odor and oral thrush. Of course, once you encounter these symptoms you have to get rid of the yeast cells as fast as possible!
Symptoms of Candida die-off occur when you get rid of the yeast cells. When these cells die they produce a poison - this poison is not very harmful and your immune system can easily get rid of it. But there's a problem: The immune system can only get rid of some of the poison at once. If too many yeast cells are killed off in a short period of time, too much poison is produced and will overburden your immune system.
Here are some of the die-off symptoms that will appear now: An itching body, nausea, diarhea or gas, headache, a blurred vision and muscle and joint soreness.
There are more symptoms and most of them are similar to those of a normal flu. When these symptoms occur, you have to slow down the treatment or you will seriously overburden your immune system! As you can see, die-off and Candidiasis symptoms are similar to each other. And unfortunately both are similar to the symptoms of a normal flu. But symptoms of Candida die-off and Candidiasis symptoms require contrary actions!
If you stop your treatment although you only suffer from symptoms of Candida, the Candidiasis will get even worse. On the other hand, if you continue the treatment although you suffer from die-off symptoms, your immune system will not keep up with it.
Is There A Trick To Tell Symptoms of Candida die-off and Candidiasis symptoms Apart?
It's true that it's difficult to tell the Candidiasis symptoms and symptoms of Candida die-off apart from each other and you will probably be unsure how to react in the right way.
To find out if you suffer from die-off symptoms is to ask yourself the following questions: Did I do something that killed off a lots of yeast cells lately? Did a symptom got worse after I started an anti-Candida treatment? Did the symptoms appear after I started it?
I know identifying those symptoms is really though. The great thing is, that unlike many other people in your situation, you are trying your best right now.
Did you know that even your eating habits can either make Canidiasis worse or kill off those yeast cells? Visit my homepage about the symptoms of Candida and learn exactly which kind of food helps the Candida to grow.
Click here and learn how you can start to get rid of both Candidiasis and die-off symptoms!
You are suffering from Candidiasis and you are seeking a treatment to get rid of it? Then you will probably experience symptoms of Candida die-off. Some people will tell you that this is just a sign that the treatment is working. Some people think these symptoms are just more Candidiasis symptoms. Unfortunately that's only half the truth...
You are putting your health at risk if you ignore the symptoms of Candida die-off!
Let me tell you why...
Candidiasis is a yeast infection. A fungal infection of any of the Candida species. The yeast cells start to overgrow mainly in your your throat, your digestive system and your genital area. That's what causes the Candidiasis symptoms.
The most common symptoms of Candida are: Pain when urinating and menstrual pain, a whitish vaginal discharge, hurting joints, itching and burning of the genital area, foul genital odor and oral thrush. Of course, once you encounter these symptoms you have to get rid of the yeast cells as fast as possible!
Symptoms of Candida die-off occur when you get rid of the yeast cells. When these cells die they produce a poison - this poison is not very harmful and your immune system can easily get rid of it. But there's a problem: The immune system can only get rid of some of the poison at once. If too many yeast cells are killed off in a short period of time, too much poison is produced and will overburden your immune system.
Here are some of the die-off symptoms that will appear now: An itching body, nausea, diarhea or gas, headache, a blurred vision and muscle and joint soreness.
There are more symptoms and most of them are similar to those of a normal flu. When these symptoms occur, you have to slow down the treatment or you will seriously overburden your immune system! As you can see, die-off and Candidiasis symptoms are similar to each other. And unfortunately both are similar to the symptoms of a normal flu. But symptoms of Candida die-off and Candidiasis symptoms require contrary actions!
If you stop your treatment although you only suffer from symptoms of Candida, the Candidiasis will get even worse. On the other hand, if you continue the treatment although you suffer from die-off symptoms, your immune system will not keep up with it.
Is There A Trick To Tell Symptoms of Candida die-off and Candidiasis symptoms Apart?
It's true that it's difficult to tell the Candidiasis symptoms and symptoms of Candida die-off apart from each other and you will probably be unsure how to react in the right way.
To find out if you suffer from die-off symptoms is to ask yourself the following questions: Did I do something that killed off a lots of yeast cells lately? Did a symptom got worse after I started an anti-Candida treatment? Did the symptoms appear after I started it?
I know identifying those symptoms is really though. The great thing is, that unlike many other people in your situation, you are trying your best right now.
Did you know that even your eating habits can either make Canidiasis worse or kill off those yeast cells? Visit my homepage about the symptoms of Candida and learn exactly which kind of food helps the Candida to grow.
Click here and learn how you can start to get rid of both Candidiasis and die-off symptoms!
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